JAEI Annual General Meetings

2023 JAEI AGM – held on 3 June 2023
at St Joseph Diocesan Centre

After a number of years, Revd Martha Gordon has stepped down as JAEI Chairperson due to work pressure – thanks Martha for your stint as Chair!  Welcome to Revd Judy Bassingswaite who will chair JAEI for the next year.

The guest speaker, Navin Bachu of the community based Keep it CKlean Campaign (KICK) and colleague, Amos Mbhele, shared the objectives of the project which is to keep various Wards of the Johannesburg Metropol cleaner.  They also shared how to engage with Piki-Tup and other stakeholders.  After the talk, two avocado trees were planted in the Diocesan Centre grounds.

 Some of the attendees at the JAEI AGM

Navin Bachu, Judy and Amos Mbhele

Planting avocado trees



The 2021 JAEI Annual General Meeting was held at  the St Joseph’s Diocese Centre, Sophiatown on Saturday, 22 May.

As a result of the Covid19 pandemic, the committee felt it best not to meet in a couped-up setting.  What a treat and joy it was for JAEI to hold their 2021 AGM in the garden at the Diocese Centre – in God’s Creation!  The weather (although promised to be cold, miserable and windy) was superb and we were all able to bask in glorious sunshine.    

Unfortunately, our arranged speaker was unable to be with us at the last minute, so instead a valuable and most enjoyable morning of sharing and brain-storming ensued.  It was wonderful to share in the successes and triumphs of the Parishes attending, and inspiring ideas of activities and projects were forthcoming. 

JAEI now looks forward with keen anticipation to the coming year with renewed anticipation.

Fredah of the JAEI Committee opens the meeting with prayers and reflection

Martha (JAEI Chair) welcomes the meeting and presents the business of the AGM

AGM Attendees

Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to the intrepid gardeners of the Parish of St Francis, Moroka

Brainstorm time!

Brainstorm time!

Report back time!

Report back time!

Report back time!

Thank you to Gift from St Josephs for all his help in setting up the morning

Revd Judy closes the meeting with reflection and prayer

Concluding walk around the grounds of the Diocese centre to evaluate what needs to be done to eradicate invasive plants

Cuttings of Spekboom were distributed for cultivation and planting at Parishes

A wide variety of donated eco-themed books were available for sale.  Proceeds will be used for JAEI projects

AGM Pack – 2021


Saturday, 22 February 2020 at St Joseph Diocesan Centre, Sophiatown

What an inspiring morning was held by all at the JAEI 2020 AGM!

Revd Judy Bassingwaite began the morning with a wonderful reflection time outside where we reflected on our connectedness with Mother Earth.

The AGM was informative and we are thrilled to welcome Fredah Moatshe and Mpho Rangaka (both of St Monnica’s, Halfway House) to the JAEI Committee.

Our speaker for the morning was Luyanda Hlashwayo of the African Reclaimers Organisation.  His action (and that of all the Reclaimers) have a significantly positive impact on our environment, especially in Johannesburg, and it was unanimously decided that JAEI would support ARO in anyway we can.   It was an informative and positive address.  Revd Martha Gordon expressed JAEI’s thanks to them and a great time of tea and fellowship followed!

Revd Judy

Connect with the Earth

Revd Martha conducts the AGM

Luyanda Hlashwayo

Members of the African Reclaimers Organisation

Revd Martha thanks Luyanda

Official reflective jacket

Tea and fellowship!


Revd Martha & Luyanda




On Saturday, 23 February, Clr Nico de Jager joined us to to inform us what the Cityof Johannesburg is doing in the Environmental Department.  His talk was illuminating but challenging.  Our thanks go to the City of Johannesburg in trying their utmost to serve the people of the City in the ost environmentally  friendly way.

Clr de Jager’s talk was followed by the AGM where we reviewed the past year.  We look forward with enthusiasm to the year ahead.

Speaker Clr Nico de Jager
2019 JAEI AGM Annual Report and Financials in PDF 
Green Parish Eco-actions of 2018

Clr Nico De Jager

Clr Nico De Jager addresses the meeting

Fiona thanks Nico for his talk

Fiona chairs the AGM

Martha minutes the AGM

Mark delivers the Financial Report


JAEI AGM 2018 – 10 March 2018

‘Creation Theology and the Future of the Church’
Summary of the Eco-debate/AGM morning …

An eco-panel discussion considered the question: ‘Is Creation Theology critical to the Future of the Church?’ in an event organised by JAEI at the Diocesan Centre in Johannesburg on Saturday 10 March 2018. The event was part of the Ordinands monthly Saturday ‘training’ sessions.

Morning Prayer was led by Rev. Martha Gordon and Rev. Judy Bassingthwaighte using a special Eco-liturgy. The group then walked meditatively on the path above the Centre on and through the quartzite rocks of the ridge, among late Summer grasses and the large variety of indigenous shrubs. There is a commanding view of Johannesburg from the Ridge, giving inspiration to freely offered prayers of petition. Rev Gordon spoke of the ‘nature deficit’ suffered by inhabitants of cities in these days, of which children are especially vulnerable as their young selves develop, and Martha said how just a short walk in the outdoors can reduce stress connecting us again with ourselves and our Creator God.

Guests arrived for the discussion and the JAEI AGM that followed. Bishop Steve Moreo moderated the four panelists: Rev. Prof. Kevin Balkwill, Fr. Anthony Egan, Ven. Michelle Pilet, and Ven. Moses Thabethe, bringing respectively their input from Kevin’s esteemed academic knowledge of botany, Anthony’s insights on the Laudato Si of Pope Francis delivered in 2015 to ‘all peoples’ concerning ‘Our Common Home’, Michelle’s holistic and provocative takes on eco theology, and Moses’ ministry to the Ordinands and deep concern for our relationship with the Creation.

Topics discussed brought forth pithy and somewhat controversial points from all concerned, including the audience. Bishop Steve asserted the Diocesan commitment to the inclusion of the ‘environment’ in worship and parish considerations. Variously: it was posited that the Church in its oft fundamentalist form may well survive the eco crisis while not addressing the eco challenges we face at all! A feisty answer to a question on veganism held that all beings – animal and not – are sentient, enduring the suffering of being consumed, calling forth a reverence on our parts for all the creatures that sustain us as food. There was consternation over the water crisis in Cape Town when it was posited that God is not ignorant of the crisis nor its stressful effects on the people, and that prayers for rain may be missing the larger point of Climate Change effects on the Western Cape peninsula. And it was proposed that eco theology be employed to address our ‘anthropocentrism’ in the Church, that God Loves and Cares for all of God’s creatures, not only ourselves as human beings.

JAEI were grateful to be invited to be part of the Saturday monthly enrichment sessions offered to FoX (Exploration of Vocation), the Ordinands, and Post (those recently ordained), and will gladly accept being invited again.

Fiona Maskell

For some pics of the morning – visit our Gallery

JAEI AGM – 18 February 2017

On Saturday morning, 18th February, 2017, JAEI held its 3rd AGM at St Francis of Assisi Parish in Parkview.

Although AGMs are not the most inspiring events around, they are always a good time to reflect on the past year – the highs and the lows. Only by looking back can one go forward in confidence.

Canon Reg Gersbach (from Christ the King Diocese) was our Guest Speaker who encouraged us to use all our gifts and talents in the important task of Caring for Creation. Besides his very hectic Diocese, Archdeaconry and Parish work, Canon Reg is an avid birder, fisherman, nature guide and environmental activist and manages to balance his schedule accordingly. This was truly inspirational for all those who attended our AGM and Fellowship morning.


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