Sunday School/Youth

Ryan the Rhino

This manual has been developed by the Environmental Network of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa with the support of SAFCEI and WWFSA to provide a resource for Sundays Schools for children aged 5-12. Some of the activities can also be used with older or younger children.
There are four sections, Sky & Light, Land & Plants, Oceans & Rivers and finally Animals & Humans. The first lesson is introductory and tells the whole story of creation. Then in each section we first of all focus on the fact that God created all things and they were good. Next we look at what we as humans have done to damage God’s world and then we look at some steps we can take to make a difference.

(Download 3MB)

Care for Creation – a Manual for Confirmation and Youth Groups

This resource has been developed to implement youth and confirmands that will grow and establish a generation of Anglicans who are committed to safeguarding the integrity of creation and to sustaining and renewing the life of the Earth.

(Download 11MB)

Oceans of Plastic

This Sunday School material is designed to help children understand the wonders of God’s oceans,  the harm plastic causes and the actions we all need to take to protect the oceans and the creatures that live in them.

The material can be used at any time of the year. There are certain times that are particularly
suitable. These include:

  • World Wildlife Day: 3 March
  • Earth Day: 22 April
  • International Day for Biological Diversity: 22 May
  • World Environment Day: 5 June
  • World Oceans Day: 8 June
  • Season of Creation: 1 September – 4 October
  • World Clean Up Day: 15 September
  • Anytime you have a clean up in your program!
  • Anytime you are exploring the Anglican 5 Marks of Mission. The fifth mark is:
    To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth

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