Resolutions and Policies


ACSA – Resolutions from Provincial Synod – 5 Marks of Mission – September 2021

ASCA Synod – Climate Emergency Resolution – September 2019

ACSA Synod – Environmental Integrity – September 2019

ACSA – Synod of Bishops – #Zerowaste – 2019

ACSA – Greening of the Canons – Sept 2019

Provincial Standing Committee – Call for ban on single-use plastic – 28 September 2018

ACSA – Resolution 22 – Eco-Province and Eco-Congregations

ACSA Synod – Motion arising regarding Environmental Resolutions – February 2012

ACSA_Enviro_Plan – 2011-2020


LAMBETH CALL – Environment and Sustainable Development – July 2022

ANGLICAN CONSULTATIVE COUNCIL 15 Resolution 15-01 – Communion Environmental Network

Lambeth conference 2008 – Resolution 40 – Environment

Lambeth Conference 2008 – Section D – Environment

Lambeth conference – 1978 – environmental_resolutions


A quote from Archbishop Thabo

“That there is life on this planet is a miracle in itself. It is the most serious of sins that we humans are threatening this life. For too long we have selfishly misused and abused God’s mandate to “have dominion over” creation (Genesis 1:28). Now is the time to recognize that we have a responsibility to God to care for this intricate web of life, acknowledging that “The Earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it” (Psalm 24).

Guided by our Diocesan vision, we commend all parishes and Diocesan organisations to pursue responsible environmental management through:

  • Visionary servant leadership from within the parish or organisation
  • Developing a vibrant community who are committed to a sustainable environment
  • Focused partnerships with nearby communities where possible

Eco-ministry activities should focus on:

  • Compliance with applicable legislation
  • Embodying and proclaiming the message of God’s redemptive hope and healing for all creation
  • Preaching and practising ‘Reverence for Creation’
  • Integrating environmental awareness into our worship and other group activities
  • Creating awareness and enhancing the environmental knowledge of our members
  • Empower environmental action and responsibility by reducing the ecological footprint of the parish or organisation
  • Meeting sound environmental practices as far as possible and encouraging our members to do the same at home, in their communities and their places of work.
  • Evaluating our performance regularly and improving this where possible
  • Holding active membership of the Johannesburg Anglican Environmental Initiative (JAEI)
  • Partnering with nearby communities to combine resources and address environmental issues

Application of this policy is an important legacy for future generations.

Further policy statements and related guidelines may be issued from time-to-time on specific environmental issue.


Johannesburg Diocesan Environmental Policy – accepted January 2017


 The Trustees of the Diocese are the registered owners of all the property of the Diocese, including that used by parishes and other Diocesan organizations. The Trustees wish to ensure that all our properties and in particular the buildings on them are developed and managed in ways that are consistent with sound environmental practice.

This policy sets out a framework to guide parishes and other Diocesan organizations, and is supported by more detailed guidelines which are available on the Diocesan website or from the Diocesan office.

We should recognize that compliance with these principles is a reflection of our faith in our creator and the care and nurture of all living things and the environment on which they depend.

The development and management of our buildings should:

  • Comply with all applicable legislation
  • In terms of design, meet the principles of economic, social, and ecological sustainability, ie “green design”
  • Use eco-friendly materials as much and frequently as possible
  • Reduce the use of non-renewable resources
  • Minimise environmental impact during construction and thereafter
  • Minimise waste and harmful and/or dangerous working practices

In addition, we should develop an eco/enviro-sensitive awareness, culture and lifestyle in our parishes and organisations.

It is recognised that existing buildings will often not comply with all these principles. Parishes and organizations are requested to review this situation regularly, at least every 3 years, and consider retrofitting changes to buildings to make them more eco-friendly and cost effective. Please plan to integrate these principles into all ongoing improvements and maintenance of existing buildings.

It is also recognized that application of the principles often has short term implications in terms of practicality, time and cost. However, the long-term benefits, particularly in terms of energy savings, often justify higher up-front capital costs. Where costs are a problem please consult with the Diocesan office for advice and possible support.

Application of this policy is an important legacy for future generations.

December 2009

Johannesburg Diocesan Environmental policy on buildings – 2009

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